Friday, October 29, 2010

*LA Girl Secrets Blog Agency*

Is your blog working for you or are you working for it?

If you have a blog and you'd like it to look
more snazzy we can help.

If you have no idea how to set up, run and grow your blog we can help with every step.

LA Girls Agency can free you up and whip your blog into shape.

Contact us at

Friday, October 15, 2010

* A Simple Business Plan *

Your fledgling business doesn't need a complex strategy document, just some basics! The first and foremost rule for crafting a strategic plan for your business is not be so afraid of the process that it stalls your progress. Here are some guidelines for developing a straightforward and effective plan.

Unless you have an idea for knocking out Google, you probably don't need a 100 page plan. Most early-stage companies need a strategic outline about 10 to 15 pages. “Start by making your plan just big enough to manage your business,” Berry says. “The heart of a plan is strategy, not a long, complicated text.”
Bigger isn't better- it's confusing. You can always add components to your plan as your business grows. Review your capitalization requirements and capital resources. Clearly identify your market and provide a basic market analysis. List your assumptions and establish benchmarks. Outline basic financials, including sales forecasts and an expense budget.
The Small Business Administration site ( has guidelines and templates for creating a plan. Berry's site ( features more than 500 industry specific plans so you can find your sector and start writing. SCORE ( is a good resource for growing companies that need to expand their plans. Right-Brain Business Plan ( helps creative companies brainstorm the left side of their business.
“If everything goes according to your plan, that's great,” says Thom Ruhe, director of entrepreneurship at the Kauffman Foundation. “But 99 percent of entrepreneurs need a contingency plan. Put in a line that says, 'If we don't have X dollars in sales by this date and we haven't obtained profitability, we will...' Do what? Double down? Change market tactics?”
Before putting your plan to potential investors, seek the counsel of trusted friends, business owners and other entrenpreneurs. Have them review your business plan, and listen to their suggestions. You typically get one shot with an investor, and vetting your plan is a good way to fill in holes and anticipate questions.
~Ivy Hughes

Thursday, October 14, 2010

*A Better Way of Working*

Monitor Your Mood During The Day.
There are four basic ways we can feel over the course of the day, The Performance Zone, is the best place to be when you’re working toward a specific goal. When you’re not in this zone, you can’t perform at your best. If you spend too much time in the Performance Zone, you’ll eventually end up in the Survival Zone. In order to avoid this state – toxic to you and to others – you must intentionally move back and forth between the Performance Zone and the Recovery Zone throughout the day, especially when you feel your energy flagging.
Practice Realistic Optimism
The evidence is clear that persistent, negative emotions take a toll on our health, the quality of our relationships, and even our effectiveness on work. When you find yourself feeling like a victim, challenge yourself to tell the most hopeful, empowering story you possible can about the facts. The capacity to envision more positive outcomes has been associated with great persistence, creativity, flexibility and higher performance. Another way to interrupt the cycle of negativity is the stop yourself when you feel it happening, and take a few minutes to write down – preferably in a journal you keep – at least a half-dozen examples of things that are going right in your life, and for which you feel appreciative.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Save $100 at Entreprenette Just For Being an LA Secret Girl!

Sign up for Entrprenette's the program for only $99 per month (normally priced at $199). Also listen to a recorded session for free! Sarah Shaw is an information "junkie" and the ultimate go-to girl for everything -- from which stores are the best to approach first, to how to calculate your margins, to best manufacturer. Translating ideas into action is her strength, and she lends her wisdom willingly to those who have brilliant ideas and want to turn them into gold! In 1998 Sarah launched a uniquely fashioned pinked felt bag, and wore it everywhere she went. Soon, people were clamoring for them, and her handbag business Sarah Shaw was born. Within a year Sarah Shaw Handbags could be found on the pages of Instyle, Oprah, People, Lucky and Marie Claire magazines and in Anthropogie stores nationwide. Over the next five year the business grew quickly selling to over 1200 boutiques and major dept stores nation wide. Harnessing her expertise and extensive knowledge base, Ms. Shaw created her fifth business called Entreprenette. After completing an assessment packet, Sarah will formulate a personalized strategy plan to move your business to the next level. With her rolodex in hand, she will connect you to resources and teach you all the secrets one needs to know to have a finished tangible product in your hands, in stores and on the shelves making you a return on your investment. For more special deals go to:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

* Make the Most of Working from Home *

Ensure a successful home office with right tools—and the right mindset. Working from home can increase your flexibility and enhance your quality of life, but you will be truly successful at home only if you equip yourself with the right tools.
Set Your Schedule.
If you’re a morning person and like getting up at the crack of dawn, more power to you. If you’re a late starter, and working into the early evening is more your thing, have at it. The point is, just like you would at a regular office, you need to have set hours of operation at home. They can vary, and they will, but for clients to take you seriously, you need to be available at a set time every day.
Tackle the Toughest Tasks First.
Set realistic goals daily and then do what it takes to achieve them. It’s not always going to be the easiest or the most fun thing, but you have to accomplish all aspects of your business to enjoy the success you crave. A good idea is to prioritize, and then do what you dread first thing in the day, while your mind is still fresh.
Use Technology.
It’s important to have plenty of storage so that you can easily locate and maintain clients first. You’ll need a reliable computer, and high speed Internet is almost a necessity to stay connected to the outside world.
Reduce Distractions.
One of the biggest hurdles home-based business owners face is avoiding those ever-present distractions. This is where it is crucial to consider your office location and your desk setup. Choose a clutter-free location that not a high traffic area. A well-lit spare room away from a bed or the kitchen is ideal.