Monday, August 16, 2010

Turning Your Knowledge into POWER

Character counts
Mel Robbins says your leadership ability is determined by how you act when no one is watching. Who are you when you don't have an audience? Write down three behaviors that are less than your best. Identify what you will do to change these behaviors today.

Get Messy
If Patrick Lencioni had his way, business teams would spend more messy time together, just wrestling with problems. Identify your top business problem and gather up your team for some unstructured, solution brainstorming. Work solo? Gather up your mentors and do the same.

Model Behavior
Isabella Rossellini embraces the learning process. What are five creative way you could enhance your knowledge in your area of specialty? (Tips: Try a new mentor, find a new speaker or search for the latest book.)

Practice makes Talent
If you want to boost your talent, Daniel Coyle says you need deep practice. Select one skill and break it down into baby steps. Then write your plan for perfecting them one by one.

Priority Time
John C. Maxwell says you can't manage your time, but you can manage yourself. Does how you spend your time match up with your business priorities? If not, decide on three things to stop doing and three things to start doing that will get you focused on your top business goals/

Rock it out
Create a standout brand by letting it represent who you are. People approach star chef Guy Fieri and say, "Oh my gosh, you're just like you are on TV." His brand matches the messenger. Does yours? What are three things you can do to better match your behavior to your brand?

Expose yourself
Well, expose your business, anyway. Vizio CEO William Wang gets his message out through different methods so various people are exposed to it. Make a list of all the different media you can target, and work through your list.

Be the Hedgehog
Do one thing, and do it well. Jim Collins calls this the hedgehog concept. The fox keeps coming up with new ideas to eat the hedgehog, but the hedgehog defeats him by doing his one trick -- rolling into a thorny ball. What's your one thing? Now, what's your plan for doing it even better?

Big Doors Swing on Little Hinges
W. Clement Stone says you are what your habits make you, but you can choose to change. Write down two habits you should keep doing and two habits you need to eliminate then get started.

Give it Heart and Soul
Mary J. Blige says if you want better for yourself, you won't stop looking at yourself, even when it's painful. Are you reflecting on who you really are? Is there a way you need to change? Capture your answers and thoughts in a journal -- often a first step to lasting change.

Success Magazine