Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Social Networks are about experiences. Consumers now want an open environment that allows them to contribute and feel included in the marketplace. Here are five amazing tips for the social media marketer.
1. Every brand can be and should be “social” – Conversations about your brand and products are happening everywhere. You need to be part of the conversation!

2. Just get started – It doesn’t take a big budget to get started in social media marketing. In fact, much of social media marketing is human capital. Start by listening. Set up Google Alerts to look for conversations about your brand or product. Use TweetDeck and set up a brand search to monitor what is going on about your brand or product in the Twitterverse. Then participate in the conversation; just remember to be authentic, honest and transparent and you will be fine. If you take the first steps to engage in the conversation you will learn more about how your brand or product fits into the social media space and it will help guide any future programs.

3. Integrated marketing vs. social media – There is a difference between an integrated marketing campaign that includes viral components or online/offline coordination and a social media program. A marketing campaign has a short life; it is singular in desired action and is usually focused on demand generation. A social media program is a commitment to engage and communicate with consumers where the consumer wants to communicate.

4. Find your brand’s own path – What works for one brand in social media does not mean it is right for another. Remaining true to your brand promise is the best way to approach social media. Utilize your brand promise as a guiding principle across all your social media efforts. Reflect it in the content that you create, the tone that you use, and the programs that you develop.

5. Have a crisis management plan –In a world of 24×7 communications, the brands that can respond quickly to a crisis will be the brands that weather the storm. A good crisis management plan must begin with active monitoring. Judgment will need to be exercised to distinguish a customer service issue from a true crisis management situation. Once a crisis has been detected, the brand will need to respond in a matter of hours not days. A brand that is already active in social media will also carry more credibility and rally more supporters to come to the brand’s defense.

-Paula Drum


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