Monday, September 13, 2010

Building a Success Mindset Early

Five Tips to Last a Lifetime

  1. Seek out a Mentor. Choose someone you admire who has the attitude, character and life you desire, and model your behavior after that person.
  2. Hone Your Skills. Determine the most important skill necessary to be successful at your chosen endeavor and study it voraciously.
  3. Know Your Product. And master it. Know everything there is to know about your chosen product or marketplace. Become the identified expert in your field.
  4. Discover Personal Development. Feed your mind and spirit with positive, abundant, limitless thinking, ideas and content.
  5. Associate with Success. Network, meet with and befriend other like-minded, ambitious and success-oriented people.

Taking Stock Count Your Blessings

Start your days happy with mental gratitude list. As you wake up, make a list of all the people and things you are thankful for- it could be a conversation you had with someone, the sunshine on your face, the way your dog greets you or the health of your children.

Share an appreciation dinner. Gather with friends or family for dinner and have each person share what they appreciate most about others at the table.

Pick up the phone. Is there someone in your life you have been meaning to call, but life keeps getting in the way? Pick up the phone and reconnect. Feeling connected reduces stress and improves your mood.

Share your memories. Personalize your family holiday cards by enclosing a copy of an all-but-forgotten photo. Or scan old family photos and create an e-scrapbook as a gift. Create a new heirloom by copying one of Grandma’s handwritten recipes and framing it for your loved one’s kitchens.

Review the past, create a plan for the future, live in the present. No matter your successes or failures, think about what worked and what didn’t, and don’t forget to slow down and cherish the moment.

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